11 Month Milestones:
- Talking....I'm going to state that Marcus' first word is "hi" along with the cutest wave of the hand. He does it all the time and other moms at daycare say that Marcus greets them with a hi as well. I've even caught him waving and saying hi as he's pushed around in the stroller. He's also waving bye-bye (the wave is and up and down motion of the hand, instead of the side to side hi wave), but the bye-bye talk isn't quite mastered yet. He is saying muh-muh sometimes (mommy seems to pick up on it during cranky spells) and there have been da-da sounds as well. Not sure if he associates them with us properly, but he's getting there.
- Becoming a bit mobile by scooting around on his butt. He pushes up on all fours, but doesn't really move much. He'll push and move backwards and pivots around on his belly. He is so close to crawling.
- Has started drinking a bit out of a sippy cup.
- Eating more and more table food...almost done with the baby food purees!
- Loves to stand on his feet. While he can't stand on his own, he wants to really bad.
- Shows lots of curiosity for new things. Give him a kitchen utensil and he's thrilled. Put a new toy in the bathtub and he can fish it out from all the other toys in a second.