I can’t stop kissing Marcus’ chubby cheeks. It brings me so much happiness the way it makes him smile and squeal with joy every single time. He never seems to tire of it (and neither do I). He slobbers on me as he tries to kiss me back and I absolutely love it, drool and all. I know that kisses will not always be wanted by him, so I’m cherishing every one for now.
- Showing a big preference for mommy. There have been a few fussy times when Marcus wants nothing to do with Daddy. The second Mommy takes him, all is good.
- Getting close to sitting up. He’s gaining more and more strength in his core, so I don’t think he’s far from accomplishing it.
- Grabbing toys and showing interest in things directly in front of him. I am amazed that he actually grabs for the stuff on the exersaucer already.
- Seems to enjoy story time. While most reading is usually geared towards big brother, Owen’s preference, Marcus happily sits there and looks at the pictures with interest. His attention span for books also seems great.
- Marcus appears to know his name. If anyone says “Marcus” he will turn his head and look at you. What’s great is that a smile usual goes along with it.
- Making raspberry noises along with lots of cooing. I’ve even caught Marcus trying to mimic me, like sticking out his tongue if I do that for him.
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