Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What a Baby!

I still can't get over what a complete joy Marcus is. Always so happy and full of smiles and giggles. How did we get so lucky?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Five Months Old

I can’t stop kissing Marcus’ chubby cheeks. It brings me so much happiness the way it makes him smile and squeal with joy every single time. He never seems to tire of it (and neither do I). He slobbers on me as he tries to kiss me back and I absolutely love it, drool and all. I know that kisses will not always be wanted by him, so I’m cherishing every one for now.


  • Showing a big preference for mommy. There have been a few fussy times when Marcus wants nothing to do with Daddy. The second Mommy takes him, all is good.
  • Getting close to sitting up. He’s gaining more and more strength in his core, so I don’t think he’s far from accomplishing it.
  • Grabbing toys and showing interest in things directly in front of him. I am amazed that he actually grabs for the stuff on the exersaucer already.
  • Seems to enjoy story time. While most reading is usually geared towards big brother, Owen’s preference, Marcus happily sits there and looks at the pictures with interest. His attention span for books also seems great.
  • Marcus appears to know his name. If anyone says “Marcus” he will turn his head and look at you. What’s great is that a smile usual goes along with it.
  • Making raspberry noises along with lots of cooing. I’ve even caught Marcus trying to mimic me, like sticking out his tongue if I do that for him.

Those Chubby Legs!

At least we know where Marcus gets that pale skin!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Going for a Stroll

Our double stroller got used in a new way...I put Marcus in without the infant carrier. He has been in the lightweight umbrella stroller like this for a while, but we gave it a try in the double stroller today. Marcus seemed so excited about it.

Even Owen jumped on the back and was having a good time getting a ride. While this is a pretty nice stroller for two kids, it is a rare occasion when Owen actually wants to be on it!

Getting a Grasp

Marcus is becoming more interested in toys and grabbing things in front of him. Most of the time they end up in his mouth, but it is great to see him starting to "play".

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Counter Buddies

Mommy is asking for trouble with this one...but Owen can get jealous of his little brother and wants to be on the counter like him!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Discovery Museum

Today we took the boys to the Children's Discovery Museum in Acton. While it was mainly geared towards kids older than Marcus, there were a few areas for babies to play.

I found this photo to be so cute. I didn't realize it at first, but Marcus is actually looking in the mirror at Mommy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

First Tooth

Today I discovered that Marcus' first tooth has come in. I was in shock, because he gave me no indication that he was teething. No excessive drool, no fussiness, nothing. Another reason why Marcus is such an angel!

Kitchen Buddy

Marcus is getting better at sitting in the Pod chair. I absolutely love having him sit on the kitchen counter and entertain me while I'm cooking or cleaning. I hope he enjoys it as much as I do.

Love that Smile!

Chubby = SO Adorable!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Look out Owen, it's Marcus!

He's gotcha now!

I think this is a preview of what is to come with these brothers!

Friday, August 6, 2010

100% Cute!

Marcus is getting more and more tummy time, and he's doing a great job holding his head up.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Bathtub Bath (and it was with Owen)

So I've had to succumb to the fact that Marcus is just too big for the infant tub in the sink. By the time he was in there, there was no room to wash and swish around the water. So it was off to the real bathtub. He had a really great time kicking and splashing the water.

And big brother Owen joined him in the tub...but honestly wasn't that thrilled about sharing the tub space. Looking at this photo, you can really see how close in size Marcus and Owen are. There is only a 6 lb difference!

All clean, though he looks like he's disappointed to be out of the tub!

Big Sleeper!

I just wanted to document the first time Marcus slept totally through the night. Whooo hooo! 12 hours straight! And to top it off, he was so happy when he woke up. I didn't have to rush to nurse him right away. Marcus is the best!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lounging with Daddy

Daddy and Marcus sharing a few relaxing moments together.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Laugh

When fun times are happening, Marcus gives lots of smiles and even these cute little squeals of joy. BUT today I actually heard him laughing. What was making him giggle? Mommy singing Old MacDonald...which would make anyone laugh!


Owen was having a good time playing with blocks, so Mommy and Marcus wanted to get in on the fun! Marcus really enjoyed watching all the crazy building.

A Marcus Photoshoot

Just some cute little photos of our angel.