Visiting hours at the hospital were very restricted because of the threat of the swine flu. Owen wasn't able to come visit until 4 pm that evening and we were very excited to finally have him meet "the baby".

This was Owen's first glimpse of the baby, whom we still didn't have a name for yet. He was very gentile and calm for the visit, and enjoyed holding the baby's little hand.

Cuddling up with my two boys was wonderful.

Then it was time to get serious about picking a name. He couldn't be called Baby Kuder forever. Brian had printed out a huge list of famous people's names whose last name was Roberts. I believe his thinking was that since we wanted to use Robert as the middle name, he wanted to determine what sounded good with that name. The two front runner names has been Ian and Sebastian, but for some reason neither of us were completely settled on either name. While we both really liked Ian, we thought it sounded too similar to Owen. Very rhyme-y. We had asked Owen what he thought of those names, and we never really got any kind of response from him. I had always liked the name Marcus and brought that up again. When Brian asked Owen how he liked the name Marcus, he started shouting "Marcus, Marcus". This seemed to be a sign, so Brian went along and agreed to name him Marcus.

Marcus, Mommy, Owen and Daddy.

Before going home, Owen had to give the baby lots of kisses and hold his hand some more. It was so adorable.
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