Marcus is so full of smiles these days and he will give them to me so willingly. All I have to do is smile at him and he smiles back. There is nothing more heart warming than to get a Marcus smile. He really is a happy baby. He is cooing and babbling quite often. He seems to enjoy little conversations and chimes in with his own comments.
- Grasping at things more and more. He does not seem to reach for toys quite yet, but he will grab my shirt or his blanket. He will hold on to objects put into his hands for a brief period.
- He is quite good at finding his hand and sucking on his fingers. Marcus has never taken a pacifier (and that’s not because we didn’t try). He is rarely fussy, so that may have to do with never needing a pacifier.
- Sleeping in longer stretches at night. He can last as long as 6 or 7 hours straight, which is great. Since he goes to bed early, like his brother, the 2 a.m. wake up is still a bit tough for momma. It IS nice that he does not need to eat every 3 hours at night.
- He is holding his head steady if he’s sitting in the swing or bouncy chair. Marcus is getting closer and closer to completely holding his head up on his own.
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